Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Animations
2) Communication
3) Containers
4) Data
5) Events
6) Graphics
7) Shapes
8) UI Controls
1) A basic Polygon in action
2) A basic Rectangle
3) A PathGeometry
4) A Polygon always closes the end points
5) A Polyline
6) A Rectangle that has been skewed by 18 degrees
7) A rectangle with curved corners
8) A Rectangle with rounded corners
9) A RectangleGeometry compared to a Rectangle
10) A square that has been rotated by 30 degrees
11) A square that has been scaled by a magnitude of 2 5
12) Add an outline to the rectangle
13) Adding Rectangle to StackPanel
14) Adding to the Stroke through the MoveMove event
15) An ellipse with a radial fill
16) An EllipseGeometry compared to an Ellipse
17) An open shape compared to a closed shape
18) Ball by Ellipse
19) Beginning to construct the Stroke
20) Bevel StrokeLineJoin Polyline
21) Bezier Curve with BezierSegment
22) Bezier Curves and BezierSegment Objects
23) BezierSegment and LineSegment
24) Clockwise, IsLargeArc
25) Clockwise, small arc (default)
26) Close Path Command
27) Close Path Command with PathFigure
28) Comparison between the Line and LineGeometry
29) Counterclockwise (default), IsLargeArc
30) Counterclockwise (default), small arc (default)
31) Create a simple polyline, a closed polyline And a Sine curve in code
32) Create rectangles in WPF
33) Creates a composite shape from three geometries
34) Creates a composite shape from three geometries This GeometryGroup has a FillRule of NonZero
35) Creating a Path
36) Creating an Ellipse
37) Creating Elliptic Arcs with Path
38) Cubic Bezier Curve with BezierSegment
39) Cubic bezier Curves and Linear Gradients
40) Cubic Bezier, Smooth Bezier, Quadratic Bezier, Smooth Quadratic
41) Cubic Quadratic Curves
42) Curves
43) Curves and Animation
44) Define a rectangle
45) Diagonal linear gradient - multiple colors
46) Diagonal linear gradient multiple colors 2
47) Diagonal linear gradient with 0 5 Offset for White
48) Discrete Point Jumps
49) Double Cubic bezier Curves
50) Double Reflected Cubic Curves
51) Draw a Grid
52) Draw figure with EvenOdd FillRule
53) Draw figure with NonZero FillRule
54) Draw second figure with NonZero FillRule
55) Drawing an Rectangle
56) Drawn with a Path Shape with Geometry
57) Draws a diagonal line from (10,10) to (50,50) and moves it 100 pixels to the right
58) Draws a line from (10,10) to (50,50)
59) Draws another triangle with a blue interior with Polygon
60) Ellipse Geometry Demo
61) Ellipses with Linear Gradients
62) Ellipses with Radial Gradients
63) Elliptic Arcs with ArcSegment Objects
64) Elliptical Arc
65) Elliptical Arc Path
66) Figure With Arcs
67) Fill a Ellipse with black
68) Fill an Ellipse with Gradient color
69) Fill Polygon with RadialGradientBrush
70) Fill rectangle with Rectangle Fill tag and LinearGradientBrush
71) Finishing the Stroke
72) Geometry Transform for Path
73) Geometry Transform for Rectangle
74) Geometry Used as a Clip
75) GeometryGroup and Path Data
76) GeometryGroup FillRule=Nonzero
77) Horizontal Line
78) Horizontal Line with Path
79) Large ArcSegments
80) Line Joins Miter
81) Line with Path
82) Line with PathGeometry
83) LineGeometry Demo
84) Mini Language Infinity
85) Multiple Line Segments
86) Multiple Subpaths
87) Multiple Subpaths with PathFigure
88) Non-zero fill rule with more complex shape with Polygon
89) One pixel horizontal line drawn as a rectangle
90) Ovals
91) Overlapping Rectangles
92) Overlapping Stars
93) Path Data
94) Path Data with LineSegment
95) Path gradient and Bezier
96) Path Margin as resource
97) Path Mini Language
98) Path Mini-language Commands
99) Path with fill rule F1 = NonZero
100) Ployline types do not require connecting ends
101) PolyBezierSegment Demo
102) Polygon Along with Canvas
103) Polygon Stretch= UniformToFill
104) Polygon Stretch=Fill
105) Polygon Stretch=Uniform
106) Polygon Stroke color and Thickness
107) Polygon with Fill
108) Polygon with red fill
109) Polygon with Yellow color fill
110) Polyline and Polyline Points
111) Polyline by Points
112) Polyline corner is cut off (beveled) because the miter limit is set to 1
113) PolyLine Segment Demo
114) Polyline stroke color in RGB
115) Polyline with Stroke color and Stroke thickness
116) Populate the PointsCollection of the PolyLine
117) Quadratic Bezier curve
118) Quadratic Bezier Curve with PathFigure
119) Rectangle and Ellipse
120) Rectangle Fill with ImageBrush
121) Rectangle with RadiusX and RadiusY
122) RectangleGeometry and RadiusX
123) Rectangles and Animation
124) Rectangles with a Shadow Effect
125) Rectangles with Linear Gradients
126) Rectangles with RectangleGeometry
127) Rendering Bezier Curves with Clip Objects
128) Rendering Cubic bezier Curves
129) Rendering Rectangles with Line Objects
130) Rendering Rectangles with Path Objects
131) Rotate polyline
132) Rotates the Polyline 45 degrees about its center
133) Rotates the Polyline 45 degrees about the point (0,0)
134) Rotates the Polyline 45 degrees about the point (25,50)
135) Rotates the Polyline 45 degrees about the relative origin (0 25,0 25)
136) Rotating a Rectangle Animation
137) Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 10 (X) and 25 (Y)
138) Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 100 (X) and 60 (Y)
139) Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 5
140) Sample stroke applied to an ellipse
141) Set rectangle Stroke Dash Array
142) Set stroke color and size for Line
143) Set Stroke color and size for Rectangle
144) Set StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashCap for Polyline
145) Set the Stroke color and size for Ellipse
146) Shorthand Path data
147) Silverlight stretches the ellipse to fit the specified bounds
148) Single Bezier
149) Small ArcSegment
150) Specify a Path element with a RectangleGeometry
151) Specifying points the long way with Polygon Points tag and Point
152) Star by Polygon
153) StrokeStartLineCap for Polyline
154) Stylizing a Stroke
155) This rectangle is painted with a diagonal linear gradient
156) This rectangle is painted with a horizontal linear gradient
157) This rectangle is painted with a radial gradient
158) This rectangle is painted with a vertical gradient
159) Translate transform polyline
160) Triangular Wedges with Shading
161) Use ArcSegment as PathFigure
162) Use BezierSegment and ArcSegment as the PathFigure
163) Use Ellipse Geometry as Path Data
164) Use EllipseGeometry as the Path data
165) Use GeometryGroup as the path data
166) Use GeometryGroup to combine LineGeometry, RectangleGeometry and EllipseGeometry
167) Use LineGeometry as the Path data
168) Use PolyBezierSegment to Simulated Circle
169) Use RectangleGeometry as Path Data
170) Use RectangleGeometry as the Path data
171) Use RectangleGeometry to clip Image
172) Using LineGeometry to Draw a Path
173) Using the GeometryGroup Object
174) Vertical Line
175) Vertical Line with Path
176) Vertical linear gradient
177) XAML Button with Polyline and TextBlock